The End of an Year, no Corona in Rio? Fim de ano, e sem sombra de virus no Rio, no Brasil?

The year is saying "bye bye", and as tourists are circulating from everywhere in the world in Rio de Janeiro and many other cities, enjoying the beach and private parties in hotels and houses, well, fireworks at the beach would be a scandal. But... fireworks. Are you fired, president? As Bolsonaro poses making jokes with a dog, who is barfing to put things in order in a country without control? States do whatever they want, threats, combinations, jokes to try to take the real journalists power - well, those who have any interest in the population, that ignores that the danger is at their sides, but wanna drink and have fun to forget the basic.That they cant trust in the current information circulating all around, in ties and changing of clothes colors, in what became a mess, out of the rainbow figure of prosperity. Jealously, and try to scream surrounding Jerico for 7 days, to see the walls getting down? Farao? Media can be that figure. As people are locked in an egypt, faking fun, for being surprised, soon, for closed doors, nonsense politics measures, airports in search. For what this whole mess? Does someone want attention and the power, without doing any request for some box of concern for those who will be without food, in companies failure, asking for bread, trying invasions in stores looking for... the "essencial". Mandatory should be an alert of concern and the president taking back the control of the country, that is lost among stupid dogs, harrasment, violence, lies, and people defending their colorful ties. 

Good food? Travel? I´ve being tested 3 times with negative results of Covid, for those who tried to input nonsense allegations of traveling for work, by the same tv station who is concerned about lying about journalists and create clouds of gossips and repeat the same "oh weather, oh storm", and weird people locked in the same-o, same-o, starting the 5 am news with those drones in red lights on some houses. Trying to get journalists locked to show up as those who has the power to destroying jobs, family stories, sponsors, and sponsoring phone calls, and companies, using the black, and black people who has black souls and black mood and wanna show up as if they hold some power that dont belong to them. Get a blonde hair to scream. Push dogs, cause the rest doesnt work anymore. If the president forgot his job, and get together in nonsense bullying, as tv stations try to feel the power to get together to intense harrasment to promote themselves, let the dogs barf. No one can hear that, cause it fits better being hungry later, as some figures do stupid posts in Instagram, as time passes by, the day has 24 hours, and you wait until our life being determined by the disgrace, by surrender to what is easier, and some mass attack gospel people as a brain wash of those who lost purpose in life, and walk in the bubble created by their own minds and accusations. IT doesnt work anymore. Truth sets free. They really want some meals made by that? (Rosaly Queen)(Big NY Press)

Fim de ano no mundo e no Brasil, a ideia do sol, sal, calor e praia ferve enquanto festas particulares e de hoteis tentam segurar os turistas que compraram passeios e pacotes e querem acreditar que não há virus circulando. Eles somente aparecerâo nas noticias no dia primeiro de janeiro. Hoteis querem vender, assim como as praias estão abertas, e Buzios, que jogou centenas de turistas argentinos nas ruas, ao ser decretada a quarentena, tenta medidas de restrições. Enquanto garotos vendem balas nas ruas, tvs fazem piadas, porque só se importam com o figurino, e tentar transparecer poder de manipulação. Que onda? As do mar. Calor. Sol. E repetem a chata versão da tempestade, e a mesmice se instalou. Turistas de toda parte do mundo circulam no Rio de Janeiro.Alemães, franceses, argentinos, italianos, suíços. A falsa calmaria, os 30 segundos, antes do anúncio da tempestade. Cidades foram destruídas em comercio e população ficou a merce, da classe de menor renda, a 600 reais de um tipo de ajuda, que mal compra um sapato de inverno na Europa. As pessoas circulam. Não haverá fogos em Copacabana, mas hoteis terão ceia. Vários cancelamentos de ultima hora - os turistas ainda esperam alguma festa, enquanto o Reino Unido fechou as fronteiras, mas ingleses continuam entrando no Brasil. Alemães. Shoppings  cheios. Vigilância. De quem e do que? Pela circulação de estrangeiros, o contato é óbvio. Já houve mutação. Mas o noticiário não muta. Fala-se da vacina como esperança. Se é que a fórmula mutou junto. Calem os sensatos. Mulher deve ser a que empunha algum poder de trasnmitir verdades que não negociam com comerciais. E está na mira quem anda contra o status quo. Alguem tem que parar de ser adolescente, e empurrar brincadeirinha de bullying e posts, e ataquesverbais ou de vestuários parcos, de tecidos ruins,e saber que a coisa vai bem mais fundo. Onde está o presidente que deixou os estados fazerem o que quiserem, mulheres serem ameaçadas, Holy land procura saber por que o chapéu esconde o rosto, Shakira se move em deeboches e depois vira ecológica, e a cara não fica vermelha. Mares turbulentos de interesses e deboches sem lugar. FEche o 31. Vacina não é dança. Nem champagne muda o poder e a cadeira. Onde está o strudel? Estou na terra errada. (Rosaly Queen) (Big NY Press) (Foto Reprodução)